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Hello, I am Dr Julien Marchand

I am a dad, a startup coach and an entrepreneurship Lecturer/Ass. Professor.

I am also a long-distance snorkeler, I ride everywhere I go and I have something for cool hats!

As a dad who had prioritised work for his employers, University or even my own business, I had several wake up calls until 18 months ago when I finally decided to prioritise my kids and my wife to be present in their life.

I left my full-time job, limited my working time to 4 days a week and started enjoying the time with my family while building a coaching business to help others launch their business in harmony with their family.

I am so excited that you’re here and I’m so grateful that you made it. So, welcome to the Future Proof You tribe !

What People Are Saying


“Julien is a dynamo, a force of nature, a man practising what he preaches. He makes you believe you can turn your startup dreams into reality, putting his own unique spin on the very latest entrepreneurial thinking.

During my time on FutureUp (during the Sydney lockdown) I particularly enjoyed my 1:1 coaching sessions with Julien, he strolling along Manly beach, me pushing my baby round the Royal Botanical Gardens. Here's to work/life balance the Future Proof Way.​.”

Simon Crerar


“Julien is an entrepreneurial genius! He always knows exactly what needs to be said and done to equip an entrepreneur to make the next right step. His aptitude and intuition ensured I was always asking the right questions and reaching out to the right people.Our one on one coaching sessions transformed and empowered me to enact the requirements of my Business Value Proposition.My digital footprint; networking; digital outreach; and intrapersonal cognitive behaviours wouldn’t be where they are if it weren’t for Julien. Thank you for all that you do Julien!”

Suzie Stipanovic

Julien is a creative and talented guide for helping you unlock the barriers that may be preventing you from achieving your potential. His practical approach and use of simple yet powerful tools helped me understand myself, the market, and my customers more deeply, and I highly recommend him!.”

Karl Lawton


It's a tough job to put all that amazingness that is Julien into words but I will give it a go: Julien's coaching began at a precarious time for our company, when we were both launching into market and leaping into investment to scale up. Because we had Julien's expertise and market knowledge behind us, we were able to move confidently forward and take on challenges we had never tried before. I cannot thank Julien enough for bringing all of his expertise and enthusiasm to take our company successfully to the next level..”

— Cat Fuller