Hello, I am Dr Julien Marchand

10 years ago I was living the dream I set for myself when I was studying for my MBA in the US: 

  • Living on the other side of the planet in Sydney, Australia

  • Being a 6 figure consultant ($$$)

  • Being at the edge of innovation

I thought that the rest (read wife, kids, and house) would take care of itself. After all, I had done the hardest, following all the rules learnt at the best schools in France, US and Australia. I had managed all the work expectations.

Then I became a father.

Julien & Saya.jpg

I was 29.

It hit me.

I wanted to be present in the life of my boy. I wanted to guide him. I wanted to have what I didn't have as a kid.

I wasn't prepared for this shift of mindset!

Since then I planned for having this in the future by starting a tech business on the side, moving to academia, getting a PhD, leading a business faculty...

I had a few wake-up calls, including the near death of my daughter at birth but I finally heard the last one last year:

I want to be in their lives NOW,

I have to make them a priority NOW,

and still enjoy my career!